It is carried out using a blood pressure monitor(inflatable cuff connected to a dial or a column of glass containing mercury), which measures blood pressure. This increases in particular during physical exertion. This is why blood pressure should ideally be taken on a patient who has been lying down for at least 15 minutes.
Hypertension is diagnosed with certainty:
- if the blood pressure exceeds 14 for systolic pressure or 9 for diastolic pressure; - if this too high value is confirmed duringthree successive consultations , over a period ofthree to six months ,two measuresby consultation. These precautions make it possible to verify that the increase in blood pressure is not a temporary phenomenon (due to stress, for example).
Because the disease is often silent, the measurement of blood pressure is done regularly during visits to the doctor. When moderate elevation is seen in an otherwise healthy patient, blood pressure measurement is recommendedoutside the doctor's office(at home or at your pharmacist, for example). Some people are indeed sensitive to the "white coat" effect.
In case of proven hypertension, the doctor looks for other risk factors for heart disease (eg family history, diabetes, obesity, smoking, high cholesterol).
About a quarter of those treated choose to have a device to monitor their blood pressure themselves. However, be aware that blood pressure monitors approved for home use do not work on exactly the same principle as those used by doctors. Also, if you have a blood pressure device at home, remember to take it during your next consultation. You will be able tocompare values to those seen by your doctor.
Prevent complication The lifestyle measuresand dietetics play an essential role in the fight against hypertension. Thus, regular physical activity, stopping smoking and certain food choices are important, to avoid complications and to consider reducing medication treatment.
Salt (sodium) contributes to causing hypertension, to a varying degree depending on the sensitivity of each. The elderly, those suffering from obesity or type 2 diabetes are more sensitive to the negative effects of eating too much salt. In addition, patients with heart failure often need to diet for high blood pressure.very low in salt . They can consume a maximum of 4 to 6 g per day, or even less than 4 g in some cases.
In Finland, there were half as many cases of hypertension when the average salt intake was reduced by a third. This has been achieved through regulatory measures, such as the partial substitution of sodium chloride with potassium chloride. In France, on the other hand, average salt consumption remains8 to 10 g per day , well above the recommended 5 g. 10 to 20% of us even consume more than 12 g per day, or two and a half times the amounts recommended!
The salt that we ingest is generally provided for a third by the bread (a Parisian baguette contains 5 to 6 g of salt), cold meats, cheeses, table salt but also ready meals. Also forreduce or limit your salt intake:
- beware of industrial ready meals and preserves; - consult the labels and go hunting for foods high in sodium (salt), knowing that 400 mg (0.4 g) of sodium corresponds to 1 g of salt; - salt the food only once, either during cooking or on your plate; - to give flavor, use aromatic herbs, spices or lemon juice, for example.
To prevent complications from hypertension, also make sure to balance your diet by applying the following tips:
- eat more fruits andfresh vegetables . They are rich in potassium, which compensates for the harmful effects of sodium. Favor, among other things, bananas and grapes. You can also eat dried fruit. By the way, prefer dairy productssemi-skimmed(rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium); - drink at leasta liter and a half of waterevery day. Be careful however with mineral waters rich in sodium (more than 200 mg / l), such as Arcens, Arvie, Chateldon, Quézac, Vernière, Vichy Saint-Yorre or Vichy Célestins; - limit your consumption ofanimal fats and caffeine(this substance can increase blood pressure). For this, try not to take more than three caffeinated drinks per day (coffee, colas, cocoa or tea). Drink tooless alcohol . Indeed, alcoholic beverages increase blood pressure and affect the effectiveness of treatments for hypertension. In addition, alcohol is high in calories. Also, consume a maximum of three glasses a day if you are a man, and two glasses a day if you are a woman.
The sustained physical activityhelps reduce blood pressure and helps control stress. The optimal training for staying in shape is to practice an endurance sport (brisk walking, cycling, swimming, etc.) for about 45 minutes, three times a week.
To identify the ideal intensity level, you must be able to continue talking during your activity (slow down if you are too breathless for this). However, you should not be able to sing (speed up if you can). Exaggerated shortness of breath, palpitations or unusual pain (especially in the chest) must stop exercise. They also justify a medical consultation.
Tobacco increases blood pressure and damages blood vessels. When you have hypertension, it is essential toquit smoking , even if it takes several attempts. Your best ally for this is your doctor.
For this, get enough sleep and practice a hobby, a sport or a relaxation activity (yoga, tai chi, meditation, sophrology, etc.). Also take the time to relax and enjoy life.