It's not a secret that eating lots of fruits and vegetables will keep your Collagen Refresh Lemonade Review body healthy and that will show through in your skin. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Plus, they are rich in antioxidants so they'll fight free radicals that can prematurely age your skin and lead to cancer.
Eat more fish. Fish are full of omega 3 fatty acids which are great for your skin. They help to keep it soft and studies show they slow down aging so you look younger longer.
Getting regular exercise pumps needed oxygen into your body. That oxygen pushes through your cells and helps keep them alive and healthy.Sweat benefits your skin by pushing toxins out of your body so it doesn't have a chance to build up and cause acne and other blemishes.
Plus, exercise keeps your muscles toned. This helps your skin look great by keeping it supple and everything where it's supposed to be.
You know it's important to cleanse your skin daily. A morning face wash will clear away that filmy residue you feel when you get up which are toxins released overnight.