If there is anything interfering with the flow of nerve energy from the lower Vitamove Back Pain Relief Review neck area into the shoulder and arm, symptoms will result: pain, numbness, tingling. There is something irritating or pinching on that wire or nerve causing it to flicker, to dim. It's called inflammation. You may have heard it described as a neuritis (an inflammation of a nerve). So, wherever that nerve travels (innervates), whatever muscle or other tissue the nerve goes into, that's where the pain and others are experienced.
It has to do with your spinal joints where the nerves exit from the spinal cord. It has everything to do to do with SPINAL JOINTS. If the joint it misplaced-it is called a subluxation- it can irritate or pinch down on the spinal nerve. It's kind of like a dimmer switch on a light; the nerve energy is lessened and function is decreased. After all, we depend on nerve energy to move. Nothing works without it. And without it, It's a diseased condition. It is also common to have degeneration, arthritis, in a spinal joint resulting in pressure on the spinal nerve. As the disc narrows with degeneration-the disc is like a brake pad in your car-in time, it wears thin. As the height of the disc decreases, there is less room for the nerve to exit the spinal joint from the spinal cord. The nerve hole, or neural foramina space, is too little and it pinches down on the nerve. Of course, this condition is often accompanied with various kinds of headaches.
The solution is to restore spinal function and that's what chiropractic treatment /adjustments do. Chiropractic adjustments restore proper spinal joint function. Chiropractic treatment enables the spinal joint to move properly and to be in correct alignment. With normal function and movement restored, room is increased for the nerve to exit the spinal cord. The nerve root is no longer pinched or irritated. The nerve root is no longer inflamed. Thus, proper nerve flow is restored and the pain, the numbness and the tingling cease. That right, it's like a miracle, the miracle or our bodies.