What is "ringing in the ears"? Unless you have actually experienced tinnitus, Sonus Complete Review it is hard to imagine. It presents itself as a continual buzzing or ringing in the ear and most often, both ears. The range of noise may vary from a low continuous hum to a high-pitched loud buzz. It can last from a few hours to a few days. Tinnitus may even last for ever.
Tinnitus is very often caused by very loud music over a long period of time such as when earphones are used. The sound is often turned up excessively loud. An evening at a disco can also result in tinnitus. The volume of the music played is all too frequently far too much and results in a loud ringing in the ears for hours, even a day afterward. This is a bad sign and could very well indicate that the fragile little bone that resembles a stirrup (called the stapes) of the middle ear has been damaged or even fractured. The resulting deafness can be mild or severe depending on the damage caused. A rule of thumb is never to listen to music too loudly.
It can affect the sufferer's peace of mind, causing great irritation and anxiety. It can cause loss of acute hearing either temporarily or permanently. Ringing ears seems worse when the quiet of night descends, sounding much louder than during the day. Can cause headaches, vertigo (dizziness) with or without accompanying nausea; and/or make the sufferer feel despondent and depressed either due to lack of sleep.